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About David Quiggins

Nickname (Hollywood)

Born: 1979 Louisville, KY

Picture Height: 6’0”

Weight: 180

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Medium Brown

YouTube: HollywoodDavidQ

Facebook: Facebook Link

Hello, I would like to start this letter off by saying I love to act and perform, I love being in front of the camera. I can basically do it all. My favorite is comedy. I love to make people laugh. Making people laugh has always been second nature to me. I write and perform all my own material. I also like to do action, horror, super hero, romantic, and science fiction scenes. When it comes to acting and performing there is nothing I cant do. I mold myself into the character. I become the character. Being raised on a farm I was taught at an early age that hard work and determination brought great satisfaction to the end of the day and acting was no different.

I have appeared on TV news broadcast stations, radio stations, commercials, the movie Secretariat, The hit reality TV show Backyard Oil, and many creative YouTube videos. I have starred in short pilot sizzles for upcoming reality TV shows. I have wrote, performed, starred in, filmed and edited my own bodybuilding educational DVD and short documentary films like Hurricane Katrina and Waverly Hills Sanatorium.

My artistic ability, plus my creative thinking and determination to succeed are the reasons for all my early successes. I am now 44 years of age. I feel stronger both mentally and physically than ever. I eat right and train my body every day. I am very optimistic. Very few negative thoughts cross my mind. I am a terrific motivator with others because I prepare each morning with motivational thoughts for myself. I once read that individuals who are more optimistic report themselves to be more alert, more proud, enthusiastic, active, and engage in more social activities. I find this to be true within my own life. Through nutrition, exercise and the help of many motivational books and leaders, I have taken optimism to the next level.


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